You may find it a bit "schmaltzy", but hey, what the heck. Fun, play and, sometimes even love are highly underestimated.
Valentine's Day is a great time for us to celebrate all that we have.
be of love(a little)
A trifle less
(Dare until a flower,
e. e. cummings
(Collected Poems 1962-1964)
Sit back, relax, and enjoy.
What a Wonderful World
Reverse Graffiti
“One person's dirty wall is another's canvas. Paul "Moose" Curtis uses the dirt of the urban landscape as a backdrop for creating art. In a downtown San Francisco tunnel, for instance, the accumulated soot on the walls is a perfect backdrop for him to selectively spray away the black using wooden stencils. The result is the appearance of large botanical murals. He calls his process ‘reverse graffiti.’” (KarmaTube video)
Living The The Good Life
"Everyday life is filled with mystery. The things we know are only a small part of the things we cannot know but can only glimpse. Yet even the smallest of glimpses can sustain us." Rachel Naomi Remen
Path with Heart
"Anything is one of a million paths. Therefore you must always keep in mind that a path is only a path; if you feel you should not follow it, you must not stay with it under any conditions...Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary... then ask one question. I will tell you what it is: Does this path have a heart? ...If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't, it is of no use." Carlos Castenades
I wish you all paths with heart, and may your hearts be filled with love and much joy.
Don't forget the Sidebar. There are lots of new things to check out.
The Rogues' Gallery is a "work in progress" with a final solution any time now... When you go to the Sidebar and scrool down to The Rogues' Gallery, you "should" see 10 photos. The huge deer herd (a bit worrisome) photos were taken in North Hatley, Quebec, this winter and sent in by both Mary and Shelia, independently. The three lovely landscape photos and the one of mountain goats out west were sent in by Sandra. The photos of the beautiful garden were sent in by Caroles in Greece.
She wrote, "I enjoyed reading your latest addition to the blog, about your own youth and bits of where you grew up. It seems obvious to me that you must not be a city person, as your blog continually refers to wide-open spaces, nature, and I often wonder what % of readers can indulge in that. Here in Greece, city people see very little nature! But i'm lucky, or wise, and live in a small town, in a small single house, with fences around, two dogs, garden in and outside the fence, lots of trees, inhabited by lots of birds, obviously the gossipy type. Two boundaries of the property have hen houses backing onto us."
Thank you all for sending in your photos via moczero@sympatico.ca . More are very welcomed.
Hopefully, next week will be The Narratives. Anyone out there willing to jot down a short, but meaningful experience in nature and send it on to me at moczero@sympatico.ca ?
The last weekend of February will be our first Questions and Answers with Katie. So, send in those questions you have on anything related to Earth, the environment and living consciously and green.
Earth Family First,
(Photos in Posting by Google Images)
(Photos in Rogues' Gallery by Virtual Community members)
Wow, the reverse graffiti project is really interesting! Thanks for sharing that with us.
Hello Maureen.
Loved this weeks blog. I thought the length of it was good, I know shorter than some, but I liked it - more manageable from my perspective.
Those photos on your website of the deer are amazing. I have never seen so many together.
i must be REALLY keen!!!
i even got to your blog before you sent the message!
so glad you and Katie are hitting it off. look forward to reading her, too.
thanks for so much!
Maureen – your blog is GREAT!!! I love reading it –even though I don’t do so every week.
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