Saturday, January 10, 2009

A New Year

The Edge Foundation, a non-profit private organization out of New York City posses a question at the beginning of each new year. The Edge Foundation’s Question for 2009 is, “What will change everything?” It’s quite a question!

The responses to this question, from some of America’s major thinkers, were interesting and varied. For example, Steward Brand of The Whole Earth Catalog feels, “- - Global governance will change everything.”, while MIT psychologist Sherry Turkle, “looks forward to the day when robots will serve as companions to humans.” (

I have been giving this question some serious thought. The question is not, “What can change everything?” or “What could change everything?” or “What has changed everything?” By using the word, “will”, there’s a strong affirmation of a future. Furthermore, the question doesn’t include the phrases, “for the better”, or “for the worse”, and by the word, “everything”, I suspect the Edge means everything which is rather inclusive.

I, with little brain, don’t feel major catastrophes, different governments, more education, bigger technological advances or robots will change our future for the better, but, perhaps for the worse. i think we need a new working paradigm that includes a reconciliation with our genetic history as Earthlings, a realization that all things share a numinous quality that connects, guides and heals. We need to re-learn our Earth story not just with our intellects, but with our hearts, and move forward with courage, respect and gratitude. We need to put our Earth Family first.
What are your thoughts about the Edge Foundation’s 2009 Question? What do you think will change everything?
For more information on the Edge Foundation and responses to the 2009 Annual Question, go to:

This Week’s Suggestion:

Let’s take time to look at what is good about our lives, where we are met with beauty and love, what we don't want to see changed, what we are grateful for. And, let’s think about what changes we would like to see take place in our own lives, in the life of our communities and governments, in the life of our Earth Family. Are we willing to take responsibility to change those things that need to change and can be changed?

Getting To Know Our Neighbours:

Since 2009 is still in its infancy, it seems like a perfect time to check out our knowledge of baby animal names.
So here’s a Babies Who’s Who Quiz.
Do you know the baby names of the following?
1. kangaroo, 2. turkey, 3. toad, 4. zebra,
5. penguin, 6. sheep, 7. swan, 8. whale, 9. eagle, 10. hare, 11. goose, 12. rat, 13. deer, 14. shark,
15. fish, 16. monkey.
Okay, the baby hare name is tricky.
(To check your answers, look to the bottom of the Posting)

Some other baby names are:
A baby cow is a calf, as are the babies of antelope, elephants, hippos and seals.
A baby bear is a cub as are the babies of lions, and tigers.
A baby goat is a kid and the babies of beavers, foxes, skunks and rabbits are called kits.
Finally, a baby eel is an elver – who would have thought! ( and

A Fact Or Two:

We are living in a global water crisis. Water has become a commodity when it should be a human right. There is no life without water. Yet, bottled water is a hugely profitable industry. We have been duped into believing that bottled water is better for us – cleaner, easier, safer. The fact is that Canada has some of the safest, cleanest tap water in the world.

The Council of Canadians states,
“Water is essential to life - no one should be able to control it or expropriate it for profit. In the current global water crisis, billions of people still lack access to basic water and sanitation services. Everyday, thousands of people die from preventable diseases contracted because they do not have access to clean water.

The majority of those dying are children under the age of five.

The right to water has been recognized internationally through the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. But in 2002, the Canadian government was the only one to vote against accepting water as a human right at the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Moreover, the Walkerton Inquiry found that the right to water does not exist in Canadian legislation. As such, our government’s position, both internationally and domestically, continues to deny the fundamental human right to water. (

Click on this site and have a look.

What Can We Do?

We need to become conscious of our water use.
Refuse to buy bottled water.
Buy a reusable water bottle, fill it with tap water and carry it with you.
Encourage others to do the same – start a fad.

Call 1-800-387-7177, or email, for more information on what you can do in your community.

Check out The 5 Things You Can Do To Help Ban Bottled Water at:

Sign the petition on line to protect Canada’s water. Go to:

In January, Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians and Sid Ryan of CUPE will on
a 15 City Speaking Tour in Ontario entitled, Unbottle It.
The talks are free and run from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Go to to find out the when and where in your community or contact Joanne Webb at 905-529-9419 or email

Canadian Waterways, spectacular lakes, On Saturday, January 10, 5:00 p.m.
(channel 2 in most areas; Bell TV channel 265; Star Choice channel 353)

Eco-engineering, Geothermal: the Heat from Within, Thursday, January 22,
7:00 p.m. (channel 2 in most areas; Bell TV channel 265; Star Choice channel 353)

National Geographic, Seed Hunter, Friday, January 23, 7:00 p.m.
(channel 2 in most areas; Bell TV channel 265; Star Choice channel 353)

Big Ideas, Maude Barlow – Water: The Most Pressing Women’s Issue of All?,
Saturday, January 31, 4:00 p.m.

Eco-engineering, Power Tower, Thursday, January 29, 7:00 p.m.

For more information on these programs and others consult:


If you have suggestions for books, radio and/or TV programs, Internet sites, YouTube videos, talks and conferences, please share them with us by clicking on to comments at the bottom of the latest posting or emailing me at:

A new year, a new beginning.
Next week we will meet our first Guest Writer, Lani. Her subject is on Art and Nature. You will be inspired.

And as always, I encourage you to join our Earth Family First Virtual Community by clicking on Follow this blog below Followers on the left sidebar and by adding your thoughts by clicking onto comments at the end of this Posting. I welcome your ideas, comments, information, articles, whatever you can send me to improve our Blog.

It’s good to be back.

Earth Family First,

The Babies Who’s Who Quiz.
1. joey, 2. poult, 3. tadpole, 4. foal, 5. chick, 6. lamb, 7. cygnet, 8. calf, 9. eaglet,
10. leveret, 11. gosling, 12. pup, 13. fawn, 14. cub, 15. fry, 16. infant.
How did you do?

(All photos from Goggle Images)


Anonymous said...

In this week's blog you present the website: Check out The 5 Things You Can Do To Help Ban Bottled Water at. I think we have to be careful not to get too carried away in our attempts to be environmentally friendly. Some rural residents (me, for example) don't have access to the safe drinking water that many of us take for granted in Ontario, as our wells are not always safe to drink. While my husband and I plan on installing a UV system, we haven't done so yet and rely of bottled water for drinking. Let's not "throw out the baby with the bath water".....

cheers, Sandra

maureen said...

Very good point,Sandra. Thanks for this. maureen