We only have one Mother Earth. We are hers. She is not some inert object to be used, to be abused and then discarded for something else. Earth is alive. As Thomas Berry states in his book, Befriending The Earth, "[Earth] is a community of subjects, not a collection of objects." Our very lives depend totally on her and the community she has created. We are part of that community. Thomas Berry, a Passionist priest and geologian, goes on to say, "...if we do not hear the voices of the trees, the birds, the animals, the fish, the mountains and the rivers, then we are in trouble. I think that is one of the most important things that we are learning from the tribal peoples of the world. We are learning to address the river and be addressed by the river."
Most of us have lost the ancient language we shared with Earth and other members of Earth's community. Yet, most of us knew this language when we were very young. We can re-learn this language and re-open the conversation. By being silent and listening, by paying attention to our community of sentient beings and by gently responding to and conversing with Earth and our community, we will find our way home again to her. We will begin to value the life of Earth and that of our community.
And, this is perhaps how we will celebrate...
This Week's Suggestion
Let's spend a bit of time each day asking ourselves these 3 questions:
1. Are we noticing more the very presence of Earth and her sentinent beings and how she, with them, support us in so many and varied ways?
2. What have we discovered about our Mother Earth and our relationship with her?
3. Are we growing in awe and gratitude?
Get To Know Your Neighbours
Last Tuesday, the Juncos, also known as snowbirds, returned to south western Ontario for the winter. One day there's not a Junco to be seen and the next day, they are everywhere - open woods, undergrowth, roadsides, backyards. When they appear, it's a sure sign winter is on its way. Juncos are delightful little birds with a busy, musical, tweetering song. They breed in northern Canada and winter in southern Canada, along the St. Lawrence up to the lower edge of Newfoundland, and all the way down to the southern USA. They generally like to feed on the ground, but will be drawn to flat-bed bird feeders and like to eat suet, as well.
A Fact or Two
that Energy Star LEDs use up to 90% less electricity than traditional Christmas string lighting,
that Energy Star CFL coil bulbs not only cut down energy consumption by 75%, but also last 10 times longer than regular
that dimmer switches cut down on electricity bills, and the more we turn them down the more energy is saved,
that T8 fluorescent fixtures are significantly quieter and 35% more energy efficient than the regular T12s?
Isn't it great, the more environmentally aware and proactive we are, the healthier Earth becomes, with the bonus that we save money, too ?
What Can We Do?
Make our hot water heaters cozy for winter by wrapping them up in hot water heater blankets. It will add to the existing insulation and help reduce heat loss. Wrapping hot water pipes with insulating tubing will reduce heat loss even further.
Back to Nature with Richard Louv and Dr. Cheryl Charles, Friday, November 21,
7:00 - 9:00 p.m., Royal Botanical Gardens Centre, 680 Plains Road West, Burlington, On
Visit http://www.rbg.ca/
http://www.everykilowattcounts.com/ try the Electricity Personality Test
http://www.foe.co.uk/ We are not alone; example of taking action
http://www.bullfrogpower.com/ Consider it.
To care for Earth, we need to create our community so I strongly encourage you to click on the word, "FOLLOWERS", on the left side of the Whole Earth Care Blog and join. It takes a few moments and a password, but it will help us all in visualizing our joint concern for Earth and our efforts to heal her. I have been receiving emails from some of you with comments, ideas and support which I so appreciate. Please, consider clicking on "comments" and starting a conversation with all of us by sharing your ideas, wisdom, knowledge, ways to improve our blog, whatever. Again, it will help us to build community.
The November moon is waxing and will be full on Thursday, November 13th. It is sometimes refered to as the Beaver Moon, the Dark Moon or the Snow Moon. Methinks Moon and Juncos seem to agree about the weather.
Wishing you all a good week.
1 comment:
Hi Maureen,
I love your blog!!! Thank you for sharing your passion with us. I look forward to future postings...
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